Tour 5 – Playas del Este


1 - Cojimar


1 - Cojimar
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We are in Cuba, pearl of the Caribbean, and we cannot fail to take you to enjoy the spectacle of the wonderful Cuban beaches. A few kilometers from Havana, the coast of PLAYAS DEL ESTE is located, and it is here that we will accompany you on this tour.

We will start from Cojimar, a famous place where “The Old and the Sea” of Hemingway is set, a picturesque village where there is a monument dedicated to the writer and an old Spanish fortress, the Torreon de Cojimar.

We will then continue to Bacuranao, El Mégano, Playa Santa Maria, pristine landscapes, white sand beaches surrounded by nature, framed by typical palm trees offer a unique spectacle.

We will end the tour in Guanabo, a picturesque seaside town, one of the few marine villages where the presence of Cubans is strong compared to tourist accommodation.A tour not to be missed for sun and sea lovers, to be enjoyed with these wonderful background scenarios!